Friday, September 22, 2006

Toture: What is it good for...

I have only started to think about the role of toture, again when President Bush is talking about article 3 of the Genvea Conventions. We all thought about when the stories of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay started to hit the news. People, I think, are generally averse to the idea of toture. I think it is the consensus that toture is never an option. Thisis consistant with what we believe with criminals. We do not let police have a free hand when we interograte them. I think that we believe the same is true with enemies of the state.

I'm unsure that I'm still on the same page as the country. War time is different. Civilan and cival rules do not apply... but should they?

I thought about Timothy McVeigh. One of the worst bombing, was done by a civialian. If we caught Mr. McVeigh before the bombing, would it have been wrong to toture him?


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