Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Life is not heroic anymore. Most of us, if you asked us to describe our day it would be a bore. Most of us push paper, write reports that no one reads, crunch numbers that do not crunch down to tell us some kind of truth in the world, we mostly spend our day on shit that does not matter.

The last time that I can remember that I did something heroic it was in my childhood. I remember two specific moments. I remember that I saved my best friend in grade school. He was choking on a gummy bear. I gave him the Heimlich maneuver. I saved one of my cousins from drowning in middle school. These are the last times I can think of were I was heroic.

So how, I thought there would be more to an adult life. More that pushing paper... Spending time on things that do not have a minimal affect on the world. One needs hero's to be heroic I guess.

Where are the hero's of today? All I see in the newspapers today are race riots in the world, prisoners abuse by "honorable" American's, political leaders leading the charge of the moral decay and there is more...

I guess that we need a hero... So does anyone have a Bat-signal?


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