East Coast Prozac, West Coast Sun

My friend that is in California complained to me that there is little substance in her new home. She has found people to hangout with but all conversations have been very on the surface. She seems a little frustrated by it. It could be a cultural thing; people do not talk about deep subjects in public. I think that she misses the debate of the issues of the day or at least of the passion of one.
But this has me thinking... Maybe we have it wrong out here on the East Coast. Analyzing everything, over-analyzing and mentally masturbating over any subject that we can. Complex conversations about "meaningless" things, simply for the express purpose of being complex. When you dissect everything, there is no place for magic and wonderment. Happiness could be magic and wonderment, maybe that is why it is so elusive in our modern times. Devil is the details, some say. East Coast decomposition is a path to the details. Ergo...?
My friend reports that people are happier on the West Coast. Clearly, the weather has something to do with it. Maybe another part of it is the surface level conversation that my friend speaks of. If you only remain on the surface, you will not see the ugliest of the details. Could it be a type of willful ignorance? Maybe the West Coast has it right -- the prescription to happiness, besides Prozac are good weather and no deep thoughts.
In your eastie analysis, you seem to hit the nail of westie psychology on the head. Do you really think that's what it is? I find I can't find any way to disagree with you, but could it really be that simple? Or maybe it's the simplicity of things that creates happiness. -Jo
It is one of my better guess at the moment.
You may be on to something there... Simplicity, a type of elegance, could creates happiness. Many people say that many of there happiness moments are from when they were young. Childhood is many things, one of them is often it a simple life.
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