Born on Tuesday
Maybe it is my Roman Catholic up bringing. Maybe it is because I'm starting to get lectures from my parent's friends about the women that I'm courting. I remember when one of my cousins told me..."Shit, You're the type of Negro that is going to marry a white woman." This one of the silly things that I can't put out of my mind. Scared that it could be true.
So when I look at this woman that was born on a Tuesday. This is what I see, an attractive woman, well-read, the outward temperament that gives off a sense of refinement, and the fact that would interest my parent most is that she is African. We had a relationship, being that we were friends and all. I think that we have flirted with the idea of there being something more. A date several years back. More recently, a trip to the movies, were it seemed to me that was guarded herself from possibility of me even touching her on the arm.
But to me that where has been clear tension, and tension got worse after the movies. It happens to be a speciality of my mine. Creating and maintaining of sexual tension. But in this case, I think that she was uncomfortable. Yeah, it is true that I was interested. But I was not rude, nor was I overly forward. We have not remotely talked about the idea of "us" before.
Then she started with the cold shoulders. We seemed to have problems sharing a space, even if that space was large and filled with people. We were at a table together, she would play her version of musical chairs, sit as far away from him(me) as humanly possible but still be on the table. Of course, this angered me,"OK... I get the message you are not interested in me." But how long do you continual spend the message? So, I have not talked to her in couple of months. Barring the time is started a conservation with me in the last couple of weeks. I think it's because she misses the sexual tension between us.
All this means is that Harry from the movie When Harry met Sally is right. Boys and girls can only be friends after they deal with the issue of sex. Sex will always get in the way of boy & girl relationships. There are some very classic ways that they are dealt with.. e.g. one of the parties is in a relationship, one of the parties is a homosexual, one of the parties has huge crush of the others's good friend...etc. I think that you see Harry's point. Harry is wise. I think Harry would counsel me and the girl born on Tuesday to have sex and move on with our friendship.